Paid split screen software gives even more features than freeware and is more reliable in that you can trust support will continue as long as people continue to purchase the software. Don't switch between tabs, split your screen and open them all on your desktop. Now it's possible with Multitasking Split Screen. For prolonged support for screen-splitting applications, consider a paid program that serves a similar purpose. Browse your favorite social network, shop, chat with friends or watch YouTube videos simultaneously.
The downside to freeware applications is that the developers make nothing or next to nothing for their development, so support for these programs can end abruptly. The first two freeware applications we covered more extensively in a similar post on this topic that explores how each one works. A few of these include WindowsGrid, GridMove, and AltDrag.
If the built-in Windows 10 applications don’t give you the control and utility you need, there are freeware applications you can use that grant access to more advanced features. You can adjust this line to change the amount of space each app takes up. A dividing line will appear in the center of the screen when both apps are in place. If you have a mouse, place it in the top left corner, click and hold the app, and drag it into place on screen. If you use a touchscreen, swipe in from the left side of the screen until the app is docked. Open two apps, and place one in full-screen mode. Windows 8 was designed with touchscreen devices in mind, but it can still be controlled via mouse. But unfortunately, so far the split screen feature can only be run on applications that do have support to run it.
Now the split screen feature can be run for all devices through the application. This split screen feature allows users to open two applications at once. Windows 8 is a little more difficult, but similar in function. Split screen mode or dual screen can only be used on certain smartphones. Just drag an open window to either the left or the right side of the screen in the center and let it go. It worked similarly to how Windows 10 currently implements the feature. Windows 7 was the first iteration of the Windows OS to support the Snap Assist feature.